In my last blog I spoke about two practices the Marine Corps uses to develop their NCO Marines. In this post I would like to share two more successful techniques.
3. The Marine Corps strives to develop a teaching culture. Aspiring officers and enlisted are taught by NCOs. In their respective basic training camps, both the private and aspiring officer look to the sergeants for instruction, leadership, and approval. The Marine Corps have chosen to elevate the NCO because they personify the heart and soul of the Corps. Companies would do well to emulate the Corps and establish lower-level managers as the teachers. This is a great recruiting tool too.
4. Supporting ongoing education is also important. The career NCO is encouraged to take Professional Military Education (PME) courses that are designed for each rank. These demanding classes, although purely voluntary, are required for promotion. All PME courses are taught by seasoned NCOs. A company who wishes to create a similar foundation would do well by requiring ongoing education. They should be part of the employee’s development plan and tied to their raises and promotion.
In my next blog I will wrap up my discussion on how the Marine Corps develops its NCO Marines. If you would like to speak with us about creating a topnotch leadership-driven company culture or have a business question or issues you would like to discuss, please feel free to reach out to us via our website Contact page.